Corporate Profile



To become the best provider of information technology and self-service terminal solutions in Indonesia


  • To provide the innovative solutions with added value that can give maximum benefits to our customers
  • To achieve sustainable company growth by running the business with honesty, integrity and continuous improvement that can provide maximum satisfaction to customers and stakeholders

Brief History :

  • ATM Service Division, PT. Philips Development Corp. (1986-1993)
  • ATM Service Division, PT. Digital Astra Nusantara (1993-1998)
  • ATM Service Division, PT.Compaq Computer Indonesia (1998-1999)
  • PT.Andalan Terampil Multisiss (1999-Present)

PT. Andalan Terampil Multisiss
South Quarter, Tower A,18th Floor
Jl.R.A Kartini Kav 8, Cilandak
Jakarta Selatan, 12430
Telp. 021-50856083
Fax. 021-80669601